sometimes when i say i'm gonna take millions of pictures, i just mean that i'll forget to because i'm having so much fun.
hence me only having a {small-ish handful} of happy snaps to share from my turkey day extravaganza.
but that's okay, because they are all pretty tender.
i had an {extremely enjoyable} weekend filled with fun family, lotsa calories, and backing out of the turkey trot due to myron's entire bod being totally jacked since his accident. {single tear} but! we had a fabulous tasting breakfast at the dunn's instead!
{thanks debra!}
and then the next day:
eric came home from outer mongolia!
and he looks exactly the same, only even better.
it's SO good to have him chillin' in az/the same continent.
chloe loves him.
{i knew she would.}
thanksgiving dinner was extra special this year...
feasting+my's b-day+eric's arrival=par-tay!
hi gramps.
{you're a rockstar.}
and isn't this your favorite picture of ryan ever?!
visitors came from utah. we had cute houseguests that slept on our two twin beds in the black hole.
{it was delightful.}
{i told you we'd bust out a puzzle.}
*back to real life, yos.*
{happy 99.9 listening, setting up your tree, stringing christmas lights, wrapping & shopping, baking, and maybe stressing.}
and preparing simplicity if you're me...