An Interview w/ Angie
What characteristics do you strive for most?
Being genuine, kind, positive, and non-superficial. DEFinitely don’t succeed at that all the time, but I put forth an effort. {Usually.}
How do you treat a headache?
If it’s a semi-bad headache: muchos whining and pepsi. If it’s a really bad headache: almost-two-year-old-left-over c-section pain meds, pespi, and even more whining, & usually a long nap.
How do you think birth order affected you as a child?
It made me the favorite. JK!!! We’re all the favorite! {reference: Dixon Family Fairness Doctorine}
What’s your worst habit?
Sweating the small stuff. {ie: counting my chickens before they hatch, still having piano recital-related anxiety, taking 10 minutes to decide which kind of marshmallows to buy, caring highly too much about matching or having things “go”…etc.}
What is your biggest regret?
Comparing myself to others…yesterday, today, and fovever.
What are you most proud of?
My awesome husband. My beyond sweet offspring. My knowledge of who I am & where I am going.
What are you good at?
Cleaning obsessively, making messes even faster, saying yes even when I want to say no with every fiber of my soul, baking rolls, tying ribbon, folding towels, and putting boxes inside of labeled boxes.
What are you bad at?
Reading comprehension, punctuality, remembering to schedule Chloe’s well visits on time, being patient, keeping track of things and keys, remembering birthdays, recognizing the difference between tsp & T in a recipe, managing my time wisely.
What is spiritual to you?
Being at home with my family just chilling, reading the scrips, being still, outdoor exercise, newborns.
What is depressing to you?
The thought of giving up refined sugar & hydrogenated fat. Politics. Confrontation. The dad on The Wonder Years.
If you could change only one thing about the world, what would it be?
I would want everyone in the world to recognize their worth and potential. How awesome would that be?
What does love feel like to you?
Just safe.
You have a time machine and can go back to change one decision in your life. What is it?
My haircut circa late 9th grade-early Sophomore year. Man+perm+Pat on joke.
A lesson you learned early?
My mom & dad are my friends.
A lesson you learned late?
I can not control anyone elses choices but my own.
{Thank you Dr. Phil.}
What are you going to do today?
Wash pink marker off Chloe’s face and belly, clean my office a little, scrapbook, prolly watch Oprah, go on a stroll around the block, dance with Bow to "Apologize", Call Hitachi about our broken tv, consume at least 4 clementines, & make some progress on my blasted Christmas cards. {Hopefully}
{Happy Weekend!}