
it's a girlfriend!!!

world: it's our pleasure to introduce you to our second pink one!

we love her so much already.

and i love her even more for flashing the camera a #1 sign in the top shot.


oh dearest lucky stars: rest assured, you have been counted.

{happy pink!}


runningfan said...

WAHOO!!!!!!! Congrats. Angie in super-pink heaven, I love you! Just tell your little girlfriend to send me one, too!

Beth Curtis said...

AAGGGHHH!!! Yay!! I am so excited for you guys and ms. Chloe.

The*Evans*Family said...

Another darling little girl! Congrats. Carson can marry Chloe and our next little boy can marry your next little girl. Perfect. Glad we have that settled! :)

Marilyn said...

YAAAAAY HOORAAAAAY FOR YOU! Congrats on more pink! Love the #1 sign!!! So is her name going to be Zoe???? Chloe and Zoe.....hahahaha

The Roberts Family said...

yaaay im so happy for you guys!

J-mama said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY! I am so happy for you guys! Chloe will have her very own bebe to dress up!! :)

Erin said...

Whoo hoo!!! So so so fun. I love that little #1. I love it when they show a little personality in their 1st photo shoot. Yay for you guys.

Emmy Z. said...


Kaytie Brown said...

YAY!! LOVE the flashing of #1!! YAY for big sister Chloe!! She is gonna be ADORABLE with your next pink addition :) COngrats!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh.... that #1 picture is awesome! congratulations!!!! ♥

m = michelle said...

WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

what'cha gonna name'er?

Anonymous said...

woooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandis said...

Yay, more pink! :)

reddladybug said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see her! Not soon enough!

Em said...

Congrats on your second pink one! That's so exciting! Myron is now really out numbered!

The Wizzle said...

Oh, I'm so excited! I couldn't picture you with a boy for some reason. You're such a rockin' girly mama!

The Parkers said...

yeah!! Congrats!

heather said...

YAY!! So happy for you!

•stephanie• said...

lucky lucky lucky!

Claire said...

Congrats to the Dunn family!!! Yay pink! Girls are so much fun!

Marisa and Rob said...

Congrates!! Hooray for Pink!!! :)

Dewitt's said...

ahh girls are so much fun and yours will be delightfuly close! congrats! and no way that first pic is too cool! congrats

Kapri said...

Um Lynsey, Rome gets one of her girls :) Congrats Angie...she and Miss Scarlett can be BFF's! happy happy happy pink!

Alisse Baldwin said...

YAY! Can't wait for this new girlfriend!

Drew and Tarah said...

cute!!!!!! congrats!

Lisa said...

How exciting! I love girls!

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Girl kids are always the best!

Chell said...

Yay yay yay!!! I am soooo excited for you!! Love the song on the playlist - perfect!

Kaelene said...

That's great news for the "hand-me-down" factor! Chlo Bow will LOVE being a big sister! Congrats! ♥

Kristen said...

She's adorable! Congrats!

Unknown said...

I am soooooo happy for you, a world surrounded in PINK

Jamie said...

Yeah 4 pink! We ♥ little girls @ our casa! I am excited 4 Miss Chloe to have a sister!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! How fun! I'm sure Chloe will loove a lil sis :) Any names picked out yet?

Kim said...

Congrats! Chloe will be a great big sister.

McMemories said...


Jackie said...

Yeah!! Congratulations Dunn fam!!!
Miss Chloe should have lots o fun painting those little toe nails. The one thing I miss in life - a sister!!

Coree Adams said...

YAY for Chloe the 2nd! WOOHOO!

Macey said...

Hurray for more pink~ Congrats!

Laura Blue said...

yay for another girly friend. can't go wrong there... you already have everything you need. congrats again. hope these next few months are good for you and your family

Vicki Johnson said...

Angie, So happy for your family!!
Pink is definitely your color. Vicki

Anonymous said...

yippee!!!! I was thinking a boyfriend but, that is ok as the 4th or the 5th one shall be the blue!!! I am glad you are having a little girly, girly. Chloe will be thrilled. I am soooooooooo happy for you three!!!!

Stoddard Studios said...

YEAH for another cute girl!! I'm so happy for you. I LOOOVE that she's pointing her finger already. Ha ha. Priceless.

rachbechep said...

yayyyy congrats angie!!

manders said...

You already successfully made ONE cute pink babe, I'm sure #2 will be just as perf. Congrats to your little belly & good luck over the next several months!

Tanya Leigh said...

That's super-exciting! What a one-of-a-kind baby pic!! :) Congrats!! :)

Jenn said...

YAY! I love little girls and you make the cutest ones! Chlo is going to be the best big sister evah!

Sassy said...

OH MY STARS!!!!! You are going to be in it deep now...I mean PINK!!! I ♥'d having two little girls at the beginning of our fam...you are very very lucky...CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND! That is terrific news and Daddy will ♥ it as well...Daddy's and their little girls are a pretty special thing!

granny said...

So happy. Those girls will have such a great example in you.

Leslie said...

Hurray for another bow! If anyone could do two girlies justice, it's you. P.S. I ditto your comments about simplifying. It's such a good feeling!