
on the monday to-do list

*take chloe over to our bff's house to play for a few hours.

*go to place o' employment & get paper/ goods for overdue assignments.

*pick the chloster up & simutaneously visit with cor&bry & remember just how freaking much i love them.

*make mac & cheesy for lunch/watch charolette's web with my daughters.

*call our HOA & angie-yell {aka try my hardest to be semi-assertive} at them for not fixing our poor blown-over tree.

*all girls in da house take naps.
[ready for this to be done.]

*drop off a few belated packages at the post office.
[needs to be done.]

*fill granny's silver sequoia with lots of dunn-junk & promptly deposit at deseret industries.

*make progress on a few house things...[should be up for rent on craigslist w/in the next few days!]

*catch up on email if i have time.

*be grateful.

*finish up assignments & deliver them to scrapbooks, etc.
[half done.]

*make a grocery list.

*telephone my redhead.
[of course, done.]

*watch prison break.
[maybe tomorrow?]

*check out by midnight.
[done...i got tired @ 10...]

{the end: have a happy day!}


m = michelle said...

You are the best blogger, EVER!

runningfan said...

Ditto Michelle's comment, plus, you have one (surely two) adorable daughter.

Jackie said...

Thank you for giving me the reason to check my blog list everyday. I am soooo enjoying all the posts. Makes me feel so boring and a lil' lazy. Then I see the eyes of my two kids and I melt. We are so going to miss you!!!

Kate said...

Um, might I just say that A)Angie, you are amazing. B)Baby is one lucky little bundle to have you for a mom, and C) Chloe is cuter all the time. Honestly, I wish for only half of your greatness. :) Love ya!

The Roberts Family said...

Angie we don't need to tell you that your the best bloger ever!!! you know it!!! and lets just say you have THE CUETES GIRL IN THE WORLD!!! the next one will be just as cute! {she might even have red hair} :) love ya

Marisa and Rob said...

Chloe is way to cute!!! :) You are a good blogger!!! :) Have a great day and we will talk to you later!!!

Coree Adams said...

We had a blast with the babe this morning. Thanks for letting her come play, and thanks for staying and visiting with us. I promise, Bryan wasn't even close to kicking you out. We love having you over...and we LOVE you guys!! Hugs and hugs!

Vicki Johnson said...

Angie, Hey love the blog and Sunday's was especially touching, You rock {awesome hair day, I SEE!!!}
Would you be interested in my helping you put together some kits and stuff you need to do in exchange for the chance to hang out with you and to be able to pick your brain about simplifying? This is on my to do list and I am a little overwhelmed!! You know do something else to avoid it, overwhelmed.
Vicki 807-3615

Kaelene said...

Angie, you're so cute! And, I love your little fashion model Chloe! ♥

Anonymous said...

you're princess Chloe is adorable!

Looks like you got a lot of things done on your list! YAY! doesn't it feel SO GOOD to check things off the list!?!?!! ♥

mademoisellechitchat said...


Angie, when are you moving? Are you going to stay with your mom for awhile?


Anonymous said...

yes, you do hafa really cute child and blog lady!

You love Pink and then you are blessed with daughters! YIPPEE!!!!

But, I believe in girls, 3's are worst then 2's. YIKES>>>>>>>>>>>>

angiedunn said...


i'll totally call ya!
sounds like fun!!

Vicki Johnson said...

Just put it on the list!

Lori said...

Your lists are long and crazy just like mine. Sometimes I'll make a long list and realize that I haven't marked anything off and so I'll put down something that I have done, that wasn't on the list originally, just to mark it off. How crazy is that? Good luck on your future lists.

Thanks for making a comment on my blog about my doggie . . . made me feel better. When a dog has lived with you as long as mine was able to, it is like losing a member of the family. Thank goodness for the Gospel Plan, huh? Hope my Beau is behaving in Heaven!