
he loves me

most days
i realize
on an even
more hardcore
& deeper level,

that patience is a virtue.
[that i don't have.]

mealtime w/ ghandi [chloe]
bedtime with the
uninterested [chloe & livy]
are particularly challenging times
for my non-patient personality.


nearly every night,
post-tucking my babes in bed
{for the 4000th round}...

& after a loud,
heavy and equally obnoxious sigh...
i say a little prayer.

"k, heavenly father,
i'll try a little harder tomorrow...
i promise."

and then,
{a heaven-sent
reply *always comes}:

images like the
ones above
appear in my brain,
to simply remind me
that my efforts
are worth it,
give me courage
to try again.


i could be wrong,
but {i think}
that's heavenly father's
code-way of saying,

"i love you, angie"


mademoisellechitchat said...

Indeed, God has "smiled" on you! Beautiful post(as always).

Girl, pray for me; my A/C went out yesterday, and I am taking today off in order for the serviceman to repair it. I cried on the phone as I called my home warranty rep. I *so* need a Rent a Husband.

The Wizzle said...

They are, truly, adorable, if it's any consolation. I often have "do over" prayers at the end of the day too!

rachbechep said...

true statement. he does love you. :) and i do too. you're awesome.

heather said...

I always love your posts!

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

you always write the most beautiful posts!

loved it.


katie said...

your blog posts are always so perfect. :) i always get pictures of paisley's sweet little face in my head, when my patience is running thin. i really think it's heavenly father's way of saying everything will be alright too.


ps-i loooove olivia's little baby boobies! paisley used to have them and my mom and dad would say i needed to find her a baby bra. lol

Billie said...
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Billie said...

mmmmmmm, thanks for that. I think so too. and they truely are beautiful blessings!

granny said...

Yep, those moments help us keep on keeping on. Love you.

runningfan said...

Bedtime can't come around fast enough, no matter how cute the kids are.

(And your kids are DANG cute.)

You're not alone in the impatient mommy boat. Hang in!

Beth Curtis said...

such cute girls! Sometimes I feel the same way, he does love us!

Lisa said...


Judge me, but I love the baby boobs.

Anonymous said...

yep, that is the truth and I am not going to say other wise. LOL
I know Angie that the hardest part for me before( I have all teenagers now, 1 at home) was getting them in their own bed and away from Mommies and Daddies and to stay there. Check out Laura blog on that problem.
it looks like her daughter will fall asleep in the hall if she has too.
that is tough, hang in there as all I just ever wanted to do... was relax. :)

Anonymous said...

yep, that is the truth and I am not going to say other wise. LOL
I know Angie that the hardest part for me before( I have all teenagers now, 1 at home) was getting them in their own bed and away from Mommies and Daddies and to stay there. Check out Laura blog on that problem.
it looks like her daughter will fall asleep in the hall if she has too.
that is tough, hang in there as all I just ever wanted to do... was relax. :)

Leslie said...

I think you're spot on. Your posts often make me tear up. Thanks for the reminder of how near Heaven is to us. :)

Staci said...

Sounds like bedtime at our house. Parker crashed in the hallway lastnight around 11pm, because I gave up around 9pm. Thank goodness for prayers & thank goodness for sweet images of our kiddos that pop in our brains when at wits end!

Kaytie Brown said...

Seriously please PLEASE move to TX! It was SO good to talk to you. Lets do it a again real soon.

Natalie said...

angie, you are fabulous. i love how inspiring you are. whether it be crafts, or prose. you do it all. ALL. you are a woman of many talents, and it's apparent that heavenly father loves youu <3

Coree Adams said...

Amen to that sister! I as recently as 15 minutes ago had a very impatient episode with my kids and now I feel like such a jerk. He DOES love you!! I do too.

Annette said...

I had 8 kids because I thought people who have kids are really patient!!! Well, people (like me) shouldnt have 8 kids UNLESS they are already patient.... so what to do with the other half????? Needless to say, you are patient.. and keep enjoying all those moments-good and bad- cuz they grow up way too fast!!!

Sassy said...

you are SO amazing.....your words ALWAYS touch my ♥!