it was a {very} very merry {merry} christmas INDEED for our little family of 3 1/2.
truth be told,
we were a lil {too busy} having a fabulous time to take pictures.
but here are a [few] photos of our festivities.
[and the rest of the memories are written on our hearts.]

traditional christmas eve dixon-dalton dinner.
{AKA clodhopper's adorable table + fun fam + heaven on a plate.}

me & my girl[s] chillin' in line to meet santa & mrs. claus.
{they visited a nearby mesa-culdesac.}
chloe was so beyond [in love.]
and our camera battery died. [tears.]
santa asked chloe what she wanted for christmas.
{she said a candy cane.}
[her wish was granted on the spot.]
it was " just sooooo magical, mommy."

eating/laying out cookies for santa.
chewy chips ahoy.
[rumor has it santa likes that kind.]
{so does chloe.}
[chloe also really likes wall-e jammies.]
mommy let her pick this year because she couldn't find anything she liked in a size 2T.

cookies for santa.
carrots for the reindeer.
{thanks for the TDF-plates kel!}

santa & his reindeer musta have loved their treats 'cause
{they were VERY good to our girl.}
*she was on the nice list, i reckon.

coming down the stairs [80% asleep] with daddy.
we had to wake her up at 7:20-ish.
{she's her mother's daughter.}
her bedhead was basically awesome.com.

slowly waking up & being very excited/animated/over-joyed.
[i could watch her do this all-day-everyday for the rest of my entire life &
be completely satisfied.]

obsessed with her new farm.
she performed e-i-e-i-o [into the microphone from katie] over & over & over.

pro gift opener.
she was SPOILED.
{thank you family...}

watchin' an afternoon movie & playing with grandpa dunn.
not photographed:
*nativity dress-up style
[chloe was a wise-man/looked like a gypsy.]
*granny & her christmas eve host-amazingness.
*santa & chloe's priceless encounter.
*chillin' with all our beautiful fams.
*talking about gifts we can give the savior.
[new white stocking tradition...thanks granny!]
*chloe being tucked in.
{"i go to sleep, santa comes, i wake up."}
*debra's mouth watering biscuits & gravy.
*chloe stripping down to wear her new clothes
that she opened from grandma deb.
*playing with the remote control car.
[chloe named him "monster."]
*"happy hour" at the dixon home.
{we miss you uncle ry-ree}
*exchanging gifts & loving every minute of it.
*mexican fiesta at grandpa dunn's.
{i'm still dreaming about the meal you made, audrey.}
*mandatory 3 hour naps for chloe, "bebe o-i-dia", and ang.
*laughing, talking & thinking, "this has been the most blessed day, ever."
thank you to all our peeps who made it [the most fun] 24 hours
i've had in a really really long time.
and most importantly,
happy birthday to our savior whos spirit has
filled my angie-soul this holiday season.
[the end.]
i love all your pictures [and all the things you didn't photograph too]! i could die over your mom's dinner table and how adorable chloe is!!! i love it all! [and your new picture on the side of your blog.]
you are really the best blogger ever. maybe that's cuz you're like a totally rockin person!!!
yeah, pretty sure that's why :)
Merry Christman, my friend.
Lots of peace on earth in this corner of the world today. Thanks for being part of it.
I hope that little microphone doesn't drive you guys nuts, but I had a feeling that e-i-e-i-o would be the first thing sung into it! :) Merry Christmas. :)
Your pics are SO precious! My favorite - Chloe coming down the stairs with her Daddy - bed hair and all. ;)
Santa brought the Adams kiddos the exact same little farm set! He must know the bondy bond between the dunnadams. Love you guys!
Wow, those are such awesome pictures! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day! Our little girl got that same Little People farm set for Christmas too. :)
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!!! Amirra got that farm toy for her birthday and she loves it. :) Hope you guys are doing good. :)
First of all, the title made me laugh out loud and created a serious craving for that movie! Second of all, I'm so happy you had a lovely Christmas!!!
Gavin also got the farm, so Chloe'll hafta teach him the lingo.
Angie...you are soooo cute! As well as your Mom...look at her and her christmas bags...cuteness is in your blood!!!
I love the title of this post. I LOVE that movie and that line is one of my favs. Glad you had a Merry Christmas! Having little kids is so much fun. Carson opened every gift and said, "oh, this is gonna be so good." Hilarious.
I also want to appreciate that you know, love, and can quote "While You Were Sleeping." Best Christmas movie EVER.
Also, how do I get on the Angie-page-kit-mailing list? I'll buy whatever you make. Seriously. Do you send to Utah??
I also want to appreciate that you know, love, and can quote "While You Were Sleeping." Best Christmas movie EVER.
Also, how do I get on the Angie-page-kit-mailing list? I'll buy whatever you make. Seriously. Do you send to Utah??
I LOVE your lil Merry Christmas family!!
P.S. Can we chill again for a bit sometime cuz I need some more Ang before I head back to Texas land.
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