

chloe recently had her bi-annual ballet recital. 
she danced to "i enjoy being a girl."
it was precious moments.
can't get enough of 'er.



purple & gold


sister graduates tonight! 

i remember the day she was born
& every stage in between! 

so proud of her & her many accomplishments.
carry on, holly! ♥


the week of holly

this week, my baby sister will be the 
sixth & final dixon to graduate from mesa high.

she makes me proud & i love her so much. 

graduation week started out a little crazy & humbling...
so grateful that she, along with the rest of my sweet family, are okay.
i can't think of a better reason to celebrate!

congratulations, beautiful holly! 


it's getting hot in herrrrrr

summer is officially coming! 
and we are officially ready! 


whatever a sun will always sing is you

i carry your heart with me // e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear no fate
(for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart with me 
(i carry it in my heart)

love ya myron! 
happy 9!

to do tomorrow: get busy

inaction breeds doubt and fear. 

action breeds confidence and courage. 

if you want to conquer fear, 

do not sit home and think about it. 

go out and get busy. 

[dale carnegie]


in the blink of an eye

i snapped some simple little photos
for livy's nama this morning, 
to show her how much liv loves 
her new kitty outfit they bought 
on their date yesterday. 

they were too sweet not to share on the blog. 
this spunky girl is going places...
she has such an inquisitive, special spirit & 
i'm lucky to call her mine. ♥ 


growing wings to fly

my sweet cousin is a 2nd grade teacher.
this year her class studied caterpillars/butterflies. 

and because she's adorable, 
she brought my girlies a cup of caterpillars to watch.

for the past couple of weeks 
chloe & livy have loved observing
the micro, baby catepillars
grow & grow, 
then make their "coo-coons" 
{as livy calls them}
and finally develop into beautiful butterflies!

it's been a delight! 

*and today we let five little butterflies 
out to make their way in this world! 

this particular butterfly,
"i assume, it was going to bloomingdales 
to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake-
as almost all hats are...." 
*name that movie*

more gratitude give me

i had a lovely mother's day.

my babies are off in dreamland [including husband] 
& peace is permeating through our little, loved home all the way into the depths of my heart. 

on my table, there are about six and a half dozen markers scattered about, two sets of paints with their own brush/colored-water-in-a-cup mess, a stack of watercolored creations for yours truly, sippy cups with straws, some goldfish, a camera, a permission slip that needs to be signed,  chapstick with the cap off [who knows what happened to it?], and a large mason jar fillled with watermelon-colored roses.

the table, very much resembles the rest of my house...proof everywhere of active children and busy parents who struggle to keep up with them. 

unlike most nights, the mess feels beautiful to me.
this mess represents a full, abundant, blessed life, that i completely love. 

i am so grateful. ♥  


a happy night

chloe was the kindergarten first place winner in the district poetry contest. 
the assembly was last night & she was awarded a beautiful teal ribbon.
i'm so proud of her, and more importantly, she's proud of herself. 

her poem:

the flower garden
i am playing with my garden friends,
the flowers, the snails, and the butterfly. 
it's a beautiful day, and we had so much fun.