back in my second trimester,
[oh wait, i think i'm still in my 2nd trimester...]
myron & i decided to bring chlo' to the
19 week discover-the-gender ultra sound,
so she could meet her new sibling for the first time.
i'm not gonna lie...bringing bowie to doctor appointments is pretty much [the opposite] of my favorite thing to do...
the technician was so sweet & patient with chloe bein' all up in her grill while she measured & checked out our babe....
she even printed chloe her very own {special} pictures of bite-sized olivia.
[it was precious moments.]
ever since then,
chloe has fingerprinted up & held onto her little sissies photos.
*she has been known to sleep with livy.
*take livy for rides in the stroller.
*and even sing 'the wheels on the bus' to her.
and tonight....
i come downstairs to the [above] kodak moment.
"i coloring with bebe o-i-dia, mommy."
[aw, i just love my sweet sisters.]
the title of this post will {probably} only be funny/make sense if your name is heidi bartle, clodhopper dixon, or bff kaytie brown.
[omg: remember sweet sisters, kayt?]
*oh, and remember how i can't spell worth cr*p?
happy last SATURDAY before christmas everyone!
[insert angie-mini-heart-attack here.]
so sweet!
Well, I don't get the title, but this is pretty stinkin' cute nonetheless. :) My bigger kids have always gotten to see the gender ultrasound (although if I had to bring them into a doctors office you bet your last shiny nickel I wouldn't do it! You are awesome.) It's very tender. Although Devlin did weep actual tears this time when he found out he wasn't getting a brother...
ang! that was pretty much the cutest thing.
That is seriously soo precious! She's going to be a great big sista. You guys are awsome parents!
Love it. Love you. Love both those girls.
That is SO sweet! I'm sure they will be best friends! I kinda wish my little girl was older so she could actually understand that she'll be getting a new baby sister soon. :)
Pretty much the sweatest sidister ever!
She knows her already! It is amazing how kids can grasp that the baby is a real person before we think they can. I gave Julian a little tiny teddy bear as a present when we were in the hospital and told him it was from his new baby sister. He still remembers that and talks about how she gave him a present.
that is seriously the sweetest
You must make a scrapbook LO out of this photo. This is just precious. She is just a sweet baby.
and to think that girl is going to be EVER CUTER tomorrow. :)
That is SO precsh!
This is why I hope I have little girls.
You basically have the cutest little girl ever.
I love that she has already developed a personal relationship with Olivia...I think that was a smart move taking her and then getting her own set of pic's...I love this!
soooooooooooooooo cute!
You know I hafta check my emails an such at the library and I could pee my pants reading your blog each and every time, Sister!
You crack this Mother Hen of so many game animals right up. LOL
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