dear child of god
that broke into our
vehicle yesterday,
i hope you're enjoying the 500+ dollars worth of electronic equipment you stole from us.
[don't worry, we didn't really need it.]
we wish you all the happiness with that shiny new-ish psp that we saved up to buy so that myron could check our family blog/his email on the weeks he is away at work.
truth be told: if you would have just knocked on the door,
[i probably would have given it to you.]
check back tonight though:
we'll leave the zune's chargers & hard case [pictured above] so that you'll get more for your pawn.
have a merry christmas & we will too...{despite} your very unfortunate behavior.
with love,
really though: we're {almost} over it.
[afterall: it is just stuff.]
but let's get real: who steals used slippers?
that broke into our
vehicle yesterday,
i hope you're enjoying the 500+ dollars worth of electronic equipment you stole from us.
[don't worry, we didn't really need it.]
we wish you all the happiness with that shiny new-ish psp that we saved up to buy so that myron could check our family blog/his email on the weeks he is away at work.
truth be told: if you would have just knocked on the door,
[i probably would have given it to you.]
check back tonight though:
we'll leave the zune's chargers & hard case [pictured above] so that you'll get more for your pawn.
have a merry christmas & we will too...{despite} your very unfortunate behavior.
with love,
really though: we're {almost} over it.
[afterall: it is just stuff.]
but let's get real: who steals used slippers?
Oh my gosh, how horrible. Merry Christmas to you from some very rude and unwanted thief. You have a great attitude but how sad is it that someone took the things you worked hard to earn money to buy. I'm sorry.
Sorry. And sorry. And sorry again.
Leave it to Angie to make a cute blog post out of something so horrific. You'll get some lemonade in your life one of these days -- you sure deserve it!!!
Grrrrr. What is wrong with people?? I'm so sorry, we've had things stolen and it just plain stinks.
dude, dang. that sucks!!! And you know that I kept that clean just for your blog. What I'm saying inside for you in much more vulgar!!!
How rude! That's very Christlike of you to leave the chargers for them though. :) I love how you can write about something maddening like somebody stealing from you and do it in such a nice, happy way. Sorry somebody stole your stuff, but thank you for being a good example of how to turn the other cheek. You're awesome. :)
I bet your really would have given it to them if they had come begging to your door. You are just good like that. Sorry your stuff is gone now. :( Hopefully, maybe soon, maybe Myron won't need to keep up with your week life on the internet. Hopefully, maybe soon, he can keep up with you in person everyday.
used slippers, huh? nice! well, good luch with your projects and business. looks like chloe will have a greaet friend to play with all weekend.
*good lucK*
Seriously not cool. Myron has a shotgun, right? ;)
We know how you feel. Just about two weeks ago to hispanics (my neighbors company saw them) stole my husbands trailer off our side yard. That we usually use to move people or let our neighbors borrow to us on camping trips. It is just hard because we don't have much and work really hard to get what little we have. It really sucks!
I'm sorry. That stinks. bad.
That is a big loss AND just when the economy is booming & I'm sure you guys have hundreds laying around to go out & buy a new one.
That makes me mad.
Someone hit our car this week. Didn't bother to leave a note. RUDE.
I hope your thief & my car hitter have a Merry Christmas nonetheless...
So sorry!
People who steal are so like the pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the pond scum.
Name that movie...
ew that makes me really mad for you... wow. can't believe ppl actually do that :(
im sorry..
Sad, and yet hilariously worded. Is ((hilariously)) a word? Not sure. That stinks!! Dang little thief. I hope he's ponning it off to give money to the poor for Christmas. I'm sure that's exactly where the money is going.
That really stinks but I love your attitude towards it... sometime I think we just have to laugh about these things...
You are the princess of positivity. Seriously. I'd be whining up a storm. I hope that your Christmas is twice as blessed because you should totally get the thieves' good karma-- they don't deserve it!
Love your attitude as always! I never would of thought of it that way! You rock!
I feel hatred in my heart during this holiday season of love. you, however, are a good example of the opposite. :)
You are so amazing Angie. I'm so sorry that happened to you guys.
Unbelievable!! I want to cry for you--tears came to my eyes as I read that. I'm so sad for you mostly cuz of the psp so that myron could ck on you guys while he is away.
Girl, *when* u get another one (becuz God is going to bless your cute family with one soon), insure the dang thing (Personal Property insurance). I am such an A-Type individual that when I purchased my "Big Gurl" (Canon 40 D), I placed the box into my backpack, strapped it to my back, walked across the street from the store to Alphagraphics, called my State Farm agent, and informed her that I was faxing the receipt, serial #, etc. . . to her and to call me upon receipt.
Thus, if some idiot tried to steal it, hey, it was insured.
Thanks so much RE: the compliment that you left on my blog about the pictures. I wouldn't say that I have that "game" down pat, but I do try. ;)
Love ya!!!
I am so sorry to hear about that! Beyond sorry, you guys are overdue for some really good news. Way overdue.
you are taking it waaaaaaaaay better than i would! you are a great example to me.
i hope that NEVER EVER happens to you again!! like EVER!
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