
on my mind this morning


late last night i was feeling a little melancholy.

just feeling like certain blessings that [i feel] like
i have been really patient waiting & working for aren't coming.

things that i feel are righteous desires seem to be out of reach for me.

my initial reaction to this, is to think:
am doing something wrong?
am i not having enough faith?
am i not being [good] enough to deserve it?

but after really thinking about it and feeling those feelings & think those thoughts,
i still find hope.

i know that the lord will work it all out.
he'll send me what i need, when i need it.
because he loves me.
and knows what i need more than i know what i need.

i think we all have things we wonder about these days.
politics are crazy.
the world is unsafe.
things are uncertain.

but i know that
daring to dream,
having hope for a better time,
doing all that i can....
being realistic-but not cynical,
and just being grateful for what i have in THIS moment,
is what will make me truly happy.

that's all.
have a great day. ♥


Jamie said...


Bev said...

all in his time.......patience, patience and more patience!!

Jenny Johnson said...

I love you! Hang in there... We're all in a different boat bouncing in different directions to the same place. And PS when I read the word "melonchally" I totally hear "Megamind" mispronouncing it in my head... He he

granny said...

Yep, yep, yep.

Tanya Leigh said...

Hey - I was going to say that.

"Yup, yup, yup!"


Sam and Sarah Rogers- Est. 2003- said...

And this post, among many others, is why you are my great friend/walking buddy. Thanks, I needed this today.