a few years ago, my mom gave me a special white stocking
with the following christmas message inside.
i copied her & sewed some up for my church girlies,
because i love it's reminder that christ is the reason for the season. ♥
for i was hungred, and ye gave me meat;
i was thirsty and ye gave me drink:
i was a stranger & ye took me in:
naked & ye clothed me:
i was sick and ye visited me:
i was in prison & ye came to me.
then shall the righteous answer him,
saying, lord, when saw we thee
an hungred, and fed thee?
or thirsty & gave thee drink?
or when saw we thee sick,
or in prison, and came unto thee?
and the king shall answer and say unto them,
verily i say unto you,
inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,
ye have done it unto me.
{matthew 25:35-40}
just think...what gifts can i give the savior this year?
i was alone, and you sat by me.
i was discouraged, and you cheered me up.
i was feeling lost, and you showed me the way.
i was sad, and you cried with me.
i was overwhelmed, and you helped me.
i was grieving and you stayed with me.
i didn't understand, and you tutored me.
i was different and you didn't judge me.
have the merriest christmas & remember:
the true joy of christmas is the blessing we receive when we serve his children.
love that mom of yours & her amazingness.
How sweet. I love your stockings hanging there.
I'm a humanitarian missionary in Bosnia/Croatia. I keep up a blog about our adventures. I came upon your blog today and wondered if I could use your "white stocking" in a blog post? I loved it! There are so many opportunities to serve and your "white stocking" is a terrific idea! I didn't want to do it without your permmision. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! My e-mail is ericksonjd51@msn.com Blog is: jimanddebby.blogspot.com
Oh what a sweet idea. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. You made my day!
We always hang our "white stocking" too!
If your sweet Mom and you do Not mind I would love to steal this idea........I LOVE IT!!!!! Sooo soooo beautiful!!!!!!!!! Thank you for ALWAYS inspiring me my cute friend!!!!!! ♥ you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
love this and the true meaning of Christmas! beautiful my friend! and your mom is so sweet! :)
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