i had a night full of work planned for this evening.
but chlo' & i opted to scratch that agenda &
*hit up our pjs @ 6pm
*decorate the tree whilst viewing mickey's christmas {for the 2,456,876 time}
*early bedtime for all dunn-girls [olivia included]
unfortunately my anti-awesome-brain won't stop making angie-to-do-lists...hence me insomniacly blogging at midnight-thirty [instead] of catchin' up on my slumber.
though sleepless i may be: i am happy.
'cause i love my tree.
and my first born.
tonight i learned that:
pretty much {nothing} beats decking the halls with chlo-bow.
and i quote:
"ohmigosh! it's so magical!"
"oh mom, it's sooooo perpect."
"ho, ho, ho...merry tristmos."
"wook at the pretty, pretty wights, mommy!"
"oh, i just wub it."
"thank you mommy, it's so delicious."
tomorrow we shall set up the rest of our few decorations.
and i can't wait for more chloe-hilariousness galore.
in other christmas-related news,
i've been tagged by my bff cousin rachie.
1. wrapping paper or gift bags?
whatever floats your boat, dude.
but i wrap. 'cause i think it's fun.
but i wrap. 'cause i think it's fun.
2. real tree or artificial?
paranoid angie prefers a fakester.
[house fires=irrational fear.]
[house fires=irrational fear.]
3. when do you put up the tree?
december 17th, apparently.
4. when do you take the tree down?
usually like...the day after, while obnoxiously belting "and i cried the day i took the tree down." [forgotten carols 4 life.]
5. do you like eggnog?
6. favorite gift received?
as a child? the heart [barbie] family w/ claud-handmade wardrobes.
as a grown up? my norman rockwell print. {as seen behind tree in picture.}
as a grown up? my norman rockwell print. {as seen behind tree in picture.}
7. hardest person to buy for?
my peeps that kinda have everything and/or expensive taste.
8. easiest person to buy for?
my cute mom...
{the hardest thing with her is narrowing down what i want to get her the most.}
{the hardest thing with her is narrowing down what i want to get her the most.}
9. do you have a nativity scene?
yep. a little minature set...i love it.
10. mail or email christmas cards?
whatever you're feelin'...love 'em both.
11. worst christmas gift you ever received?
no recollection of ever being disappointed.
[i'm easy to please.]
[i'm easy to please.]
12. favorite christmas movie?
while you were sleeping. [hands down.]
13. when do you start shopping for christmas?
december 18th perhaps?
14. have you ever recycled a christmas present?
not so much.
15. favorite thing to eat at christmas?
the world.
hence my doctor's eye brow raise whilst glancing @ my weight this month.
hence my doctor's eye brow raise whilst glancing @ my weight this month.
16. lights on the tree?
pre-lit martha stewart w/ clear style.
17. favorite christmas song?
i really like o come all ye faithful.
but only if it's sung by carol brady/florence hendersen. [jk.]
but only if it's sung by carol brady/florence hendersen. [jk.]
18. travel at christmas or stay home?
there's no place like home for the holidays.
*with the exception of benson, az.
there's no place like home for the holidays.
*with the exception of benson, az.
19. can you name all of santa's reindeer?
ya. [mickey's christmas will do that to ya.]
ya. [mickey's christmas will do that to ya.]
20. angel on the tree top or a star?
something of that nature is penciled in on my target's day after christmas shopping list.
[us dunns currently have a topless christmas tree.]
[us dunns currently have a topless christmas tree.]
21. open the presents christmas eve or morning?
christmas eve: the traditional jammies.
christmas day: santa's gifts+everything else.
22. most annoying thing about this time of year?
the overly-complicated, commercialized part.
23. favorite ornament theme or color?
randomly random is forever my skeam of choice.
24. favorite time for christmas dinner?
whenever's clever.
if you're making me food: i'm there dawg.
if you're making me food: i'm there dawg.
25. what do you want for christmas this year?
a crystal ball into which you can see the future, my hard drive/computer to be magically fixed, & peace on earth good will toward man.
[por favor.]
merry {merriest} christmas, friends!!
First? Really? :)
I loved that pic of the tree! You 2 really did an amazing job with it..I also love how Chloe is sitting in the background with the smile :) So cute!
BTW, I am also a wrapping paper girl..its so fun wrapping them up and then watching them tear it off! :)
Love the picture of your tree, and with Chloe just chillin in the back! Love it. I hope you guys gave a Great Christmas!!!!
Your girlie is so cute! You are so obviously her idol . . . and mine, too, for that matter! :)
Merry Christmas, my prego friend! ♥
A topless tree? Oh my! j/k hahaha
Glad you had such a sweet evening together. But sorry about the lists/insomnia.
So cute. I am totally feeling the love this year with kids in the house. They are so excited about everything!
Ah, I needed an angie-dose of Christmas cheer today. Thanks!
P.S. "See Gabby roar?" That is TDF.
That's so cute. I love that she's so into the tree. Your tree looks amazing as usual with anything you do!
My 2nd favorite part of this post is what you said about your favorite Christmas song - because I cannot think of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" without thinking of A VERY BRADY CHRISTMAS!! So funny! My favorite part of the post was the list of what Chloe said about your decorating. She is so cute!
You are adorable, and I have lots to comment on about this post, BUT
There is a VERY important matter on the hands here. They are canceling our amazing Pie Maker's show. PLEASE go sign this petition to keep Pushing Daisies on the air! I feel like a sales person. But I knew you were a fan, and may cry with me.
Good luck to us all...
Merry Christmas :)
so freakin cute. Chloe just gets cuter ( is that possible?). I love the tree and Chloe's face in the back ground.
Oh your posts always make me smile. One of these days I'll add a new post to my blog. Too bad Carson refuses to be in a picture with his "cousin" (yes, Carson doesn't even claim him as his brother). Baby steps.
i LOVED the reference to a very brady christmas!!! i can't even tell you how much i loved that as a kid & how much i love to laugh about it now! ha ha! this was a fun tag!
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