
looking up

my heart was so grateful this fine monday.
i was like, smiling all day.

{ahem} *well, {mostly} all day.

i did have a miniature "episode" when i thought i lost a very important spool of ribbon. you would have thought i misplaced a small child considering my reaction, but thanks to lisa, i found said spool and then all was blissful & charming in the world again.


i have a good feeling about this year.

things are seriously looking up.
way up.

it's like, even though i'm surrounded by question marks,
i feel like i can choose an exclamation point.

i'm diggin' twenty ten-ness.


The Roberts Family said...

yay for for 2010!!! its going to be a good one!!!

runningfan said...

way to choose the exclamation point!

Heather said...

I totally love that! Even though I'm surrounded by question marks, I feel like I can choose an exclamation point!! LOVE IT! I'm totally stealing that one for my blog! haha I agree, this fresh new year brings about so many good feelings!

rachbechep said...

this post made my day. you're awesome ang!

sandalloons40 said...

I am so glad your looking way up and your being so Blessed!
now btw, did you move again?
I can't keep up with you> LOL Get it> LOL