
random highlights :: 2011

january :: mike paints my kitchen cabinets & changes my life forever.

february :: we craft lots & celebrate love.

march :: the baby turns 2. [waa]

april :: myron welcomes some feathered friends into the fam.

may :: big-girl chloe graduates from preschool.

june :: i pretend i know how to be ward camp director.

july :: livy decides she's too cool for the crib.

august :: big-girl chloe gets even bigger.

september :: i win & enroll in an online class that enriches my life in the happiest way.

october :: we experience a memorable & happy trip to disneyland!

november :: blessings are bestowed.

december :: we chill & enjoy time at home.
{probably my favorite photo of the whole year. haha}

*2011 was good to us.

i owe it all to the man upstairs
& acknowledge his hand in all of my
randomly-random blessings & happy times.

i gained lots of peace and perspective this year
& my goal is to continue uphill on that path in 2012. ♥


granny said...

Glad we got to share that awesome year with you. Here's to 2012!

Kristi said...

Awesome Angie! Great review. Your kids are so cute :)

rachbechep said...

what a great year! :)