I miss blogging & I crave Disney-churros.
But other than that, life is fab-busy.
But I had to take a break to prepare my class for this week!
{it's tomorrow & Thursday}
So, today's post-I bring you:
My life the past 24 hours
{aka} Simplicity August
1. Who is your man?
Myron Lee Dizzle Dunn
2. How long have you been together?
2003-2007, 4 years
3. Dating/Engaged/Married?
We kinda forgot to date. We accidentally fell in love. We were totally just hanging out as friends and then BAM!! Valentine’s Day 2003 was the moment of truth, we were engaged March 16th & married May 17th.
4. How old is your man?
27…like, pretty old.
1. Who eats more?
That’s an easy one. Totally me. Myron doesn’t get hungry. Nor does he crave things. Rarely does he go for seconds. I=the polar opposite.
2. Who said "I love you" first?
Him. But I’m pretty sure the first time he told me he loved me was him belting “I think I love you” by the Partridge Fam in a really annoyingly random voice just to be, well, hysterical.
3. Who weighs more?
Him. May it stay that way forever.
4. Who sings better?
Myron. But he won’t admit. I sing louder & basically all the time, but he has the better voice. Every time I tell him this, he says, “Whatever, you totally made Teen Tones.” To which I reply, “No I didn’t.” To which he totally cracks up because he knows that is a sore spot for me & shouldn’t be because it was Jr. High/10 years ago.
5. Who's Older?
My-ron. He’ll be 40 in 13 years, HELLO!
6. Who's smarter?
Totally Myron. I always tell him he shoulda been in ELP. He’s way smarter than he gives himself credit for. The man can figure out anything!
7. Who's temper is worse?
When the Suns lose/refs are geigh? Him. When Lost is a blasted re-run or yet another annoying re-cap of episodes I’ve totally already seen?
Yours truly. We might be better off if he did it though.
9. Who does the dishes?
Mostly me, but he’s totally down w/ helping. He’s good like that.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Myron. Now, who sleeps on the left AND right side of the bed? Me.
Poor, poor Myron.
11. Who's feet are bigger?
Myron’s. Size 10.
12. Who's hair is longer?
Mine, barely. {Waa, I’m a man!}
13. Who's better with the computer?
Def My.
14.Who pays the bills?
Myron brings home most of the bacon/ works his guts out. I supplement some bacon. And I write the checks & send the bills out, check the accounts, blah, blah, blah. I LOVE paying bills and being ridiculously organized about it.
15. Who cooks dinner?
Um, usually me. Myron probably once a week. And Chipotle, Barros, Rio, & TB do the rest!
17. Who drives when you are together?
Always Myron. I loathe driving.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Whoever, same dif.
19. Who's the most stubborn?
Chloe. {wink}
20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
Hopefully whoever 's wrong.
21. Who's parents do you see more?
Since the Dixon Family Fairness Doctrine is ingrained deeply into my soul, we see both sides pretty much the same amount of time, down to the minute. Jk, but pretty much.
22. Who kissed who first?
Myron kissed me. And then I started laughing hysterically/falling off the couch…saying, “I just kissed Myron Dunn, hahahahahahahaha”…I later found out, that didn’t boost his self esteem very much. Woops.
23. Who asked who out?
Um, we were hanging out every waking second that wasn't spent @ work or school.
It was just a given.
24. What did you do?
We saw “How to Lose a Guy in 10 days”…this is when our relationship was still on the DL-hardcore because I was still in major denial about us being a couple/way in love. That night we saw like 5 thousand people we knew @ AMC & confused the heck out of them. It was a very funny & memorable evening.
25. Who's more sensitive?
Me, I mean, naturally-I’m a girl.
26. Who's taller?
Myron. I fit perf under his arm.
27. Who is more indecisive?
For sure me. I’m an expert @ being indecisive. Ask Myron about me & picking out paint. I rock.
28. Who has more siblings?
Me, 5. Myron, 2.
29. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
It’s pretty even. We make a pretty rockin' team.
30. Who has the best husband ever?
So me. And anyone that knows me, knows I know so.